Wednesday, October 14, 2009

6 months!

Wow....not sure how six months flew by without a post. Well i have an idea actually as i have been busy believe it or not. I know i have written a lot about silly things like signage and finding apartments and not much about what has been going on here with Marasy.

First, I noticed that my last post was days before the Abu Dhabi Cityscape event...this post is days after the Dubai Cityscape (they alternate between cities every six months). I have attended 4 or 5 of these events now and this one was quite different. In Dubai last fall there were more than 800 exhibitors....this year it looked like there was about 25% of that.

Many major developers were not there and many of whom were there, were there to save face. None of the people I spoke to were looking to new projects or RFP's rather focusing on what they have in motion now - at least to the end of the year. At least the ongoing projects are just that....going!

Which brings me to our project - Marasy. Construction of the quay wall is near complete and they are now letting the basin waters back in and getting ready to remove the cofferdam. I will be getting official photos later today or tomorrow and will post a long series to show you all and explain the sequence of constructing a mass concrete quay wall in both the dry and the wet!

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